Chew Cards - High Density

Sale price$0.50 NZD

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SKU: PFS1041

Chew-Track-Cards or Chew Cards (CTCs) are a multiple species detection device specifically designed to cheaply map the distribution of low density small mammalian pests, principally possums but also rats mice and other pest species. It is an interference device, left in the field for about a week, which identifies animals present by tooth impressions made as they eat the bait material (possum dough) applied to the cards. The cards are a 9 x 18 cm rectangles, made of 550 g/m2 white plastic coreflute. Attractant Possum Dough lure is applied to the internal channels at either end of the card.

Contain highly palatable and long-lasting possum dough developed by Mike Holden.
Will last at least 6 months under normal storage.
For general information and bite-mark ID look at the following links:

Chew cards for detecting animal pests - Landcare Research
Interpretation of bite marks
For research papers investigating the ability of Chew Cards to identify the presence of possums and rats see the following links:

Efficacy of chew-track-card indices of rat and possum abundance across widely varying pest densities
Chew-track-cards: a multiple-species small mammal detection device

Minimum order quantity of 100 cards.

NOTE: We do not ship outside of New Zealand

NOTE: Minimum order quantity is 100
Type: Peanut